Your credit cards swipes may be numbered. That’s the news from Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Rogers Communication this month. The commercial bank, which is the fifth biggest one in Canada, and the largest communications provider, have ushered in the age of...
Many of us are guilty of watching reality TV shows and ending up momentarily day dreaming about what it would be like to live the lives of the rich and famous. Although some reality stars are the last people we would ever want to be, and many shows expose people...
“Ok sir, would you like to protect your brand new computer with our top-of-the-line guaranteed extended warranty plan?” “Um… Ah… what is that exactly, does it cost me much?” “It doesn’t cost much at all sir, here is a pamphlet that illustrates the 4 different levels...
One question many people face today is when should they go back to school. Some earn an associate’s degree and never find the time to go back to school. Others take different career or trade paths and are looking to get back into school to earn an advanced...
David Bakke writes for Money Crashers Personal Finance, a blog that helps educate readers on important life issues like choosing a school, making a budget, finding the best credit cards for college students, and discovering great careers. The average cost of tuition...