While scholarships and loans certainly help, co-op programs offer you the unique opportunity to earn substantial income while gaining invaluable industry experience. You’ll find that these programs aren’t just about making money—they’re about...
If you’re feeling the financial squeeze while pursuing your Canadian education dreams, you’re not alone in maneuvering these challenging waters. As an international student, you’ll need to demonstrate sufficient funds for your study permit, but...
Whilst there is an increasing amount of starting positions, there is also a huge growing number of graduates as well as young people in general. Getting a job is more competitive than ever in most fields, with many having to send off applications in their hundreds to...
Like many other aspects of the transition from high school to university, applying for scholarships is another way it can be easy for students to become overwhelmed and easily discouraged. Unfortunately, many of us have the tendency to ignore anything which involves...
Last fall, I talked about how you can find scholarships and Teacher Man helped out and wrote some tips on how to apply for scholarships. Later, I even added some more ways to find scholarships, but today I discovered a new tool which will make things much easier for...
This past weekend was the first weekend of the month, and like all first weekends this past year I was in front of my computer reading through a pile of receipts, tracking my expenses (unless I had something better to do then I would do it the following weekend)....
No matter how many times students are told that they would make great candidates for a certain handout of free money, the convenient excuse to avoid the application chore is to say, “I’m sure there are a ton of people out there more qualified than me.” The truth is...
In true post-secondary scholarship fashion, the First Annual My University Money Scholarship Contest was won by the only contestant that took the time to apply! Unfortunately this pretty much confirms all the statements we made concerning bursaries, grants and...