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Do You Need Life Insurance as a University Student?

Life insurance? Aren’t you too young to even worry about that right now? After all, how many university students die each year? While it’s true that dying is a rarity among people in their late teens and early 20s, having a life insurance policy – at least a small one...

Content Insurance is Valuable to Have

As a recent graduate I don’t have too many personal belongings that are valuable.  At least, they aren’t valuable if I wanted to sell them.  If I were to replace each and every “worthless” item I have it would be costly. A hockey bag full of equipment can run...

Is Travel Insurance Really Worth The Cost?

Are you someone who loves to travel?  Nothing compares to the feeling of being young and able to travel to any number of exotic destinations.  Most of us try to save as much money as we can for a vacation, but college students in particular keep a close eye on...

Saving Money On Car Insurance

For most people it is something that gets automatically taken out of their account every month, and along with the mortgage and utility payments, it often doesn’t even get looked at or thought about for more than a couple of seconds. Yet this mystery product is also...