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The Canadian Guide to the 4% Rule
Million Dollar Journey (Est 2006)

What Is A Civic Number?

Each residential and commercial property in Canada is given a unique number called a “civic number” by the local municipality. This number is used to identify the property and facilitate emergency services. The civic number, street name, and postal code...

New Year’s Goals Revisited

1) Save 35% of my net income I will make roughly 55K in gross income this year. By the time my taxes, pension, union dues, medical, life insurance, and the 1001 other deductions are taken off, I will take home about $2,700 per month. After I take out my mortgage...


By now you’ve probably heard the term that has become associated with Tim Ferriss and his famous book the 4-hour work week – outsourcing. Outsourcing has come to encompass a whole range of activities, but the basic idea is to leverage your time by becoming a manager...

Speed Test Your Site For Stability

Today I’m going to take things off topic a bit and share my latest experience with our website issues.  Lately, Google has been saying that website speed is going to be considered a factor in their search algorithm.  So I thought I would do a speed test on our...

We Are Officially Media Moguls

“Hey man, you want to buy a blog” “Can we do that?” “Yah, but our girlfriends will kill us…” And just like that, we began the process that ultimately led to us buying a blog that is pretty cool by any metric (maybe even as cool as this one) – Young and Thrifty....