Many university students need extra money, but it can be tough to manage if it cuts into your study time. The way to handle that is looking into part-time jobs where you can study. There are a few out there – if you know where to look. Security Guard This is a...
Another week and another great guest on the More Money for Beer and Textbooks Podcast. This week were fortunate enough to get one of Canada’s best investment writers on for a chat – Dan Bortolotti. There are many people out there that purport to be an investing genius...
Having a large amount of debt to pay off can feel very overwhelming. The reality is that it affects many of us. According to an August 2013 report released by TransUnion credit bureau, the average Canadian is carrying $27,131 in debt. What many people don’t realize is...
If working with the public isn’t your thing (and trust me, it usually isn’t a picnic) yet you still want to make some pretty good money, accounting is certainly an attractive path to think about. While some people might consider spreadsheets and balances to be the...
Everyone, including university students, wants and needs credit cards and debit cards. But there are times and circumstances when prepaid debit cards make sense. Not only can they help you with managing your money, but they also have the potential to protect you from...