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MMFBT 013 – Mark Seed – Avoid My Investing Mistakes

Does this whole investing thing still make you queasy?  Today on the More Money for Beer an Textbooks Podcast we hear from one of Canada’s most popular DIY investors on what he wishes he might have done differently when he was starting out.

Mark Seed is the brains behind and a successful DIY investor.  Unlike a lot of bright financial minds, he’s also pretty good at giving the knowledge he has to others.  As someone who readily admits to making a few mistakes early in the game, Mark’s approach is very open and modest as he strives to use common language (as opposed to intimidating people with advanced terminology).  Give a listen and check out his site for more

Tune in and hear us gab about:

  • The More Money for Beer and Textbooks Podcast
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    Mark’s thoughts on the post-secondary world today.
  • Why you should care about investing at all.
  • What some of the long-term benefits are to paying attention to this sort of stuff.
  • Why he regrets getting into mutual funds and penny stocks.
  • What advice he has for today’s youth and people just getting started with investing.
  • Why he invests in basic vanilla index-based ETFs and solid dividend-paying companies.
  • What you can find if you head over to Mark’s site.

Before Mark and I get down to the good stuff, you’ll be subjected to an impassioned rant about the state of personal finance education in this country.  It seems like such a common sense idea to teach people the basic skills they will need to survive in today’s complicated financial world.  Teachers, administrators, parents and everyone else (or as we like to say in the world of education “various stakeholders” – yes we are that ridiculous) has a role to play if we’re ever going to the necessary changes in this subject area.

Remember, as always, any comments, suggestions, thoughts, or witty insults are much appreciated.  We love getting feedback from our listeners and want to continue to “give the people what they want”.  Hit us up in the comments section, email us, or leave a message on our iTunes page.  If you think you’ve got something valuable to share and want to come on the podcast, let us know that as well!

Till next time, More Beers More Cheers That’s it That’s All!

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11 years ago

That’s one heckuva rant! I fully agree, you need to make personal finance a mandatory course in the high school curriculum. Questions most young adults should be able to answer are as follows: -What are the pros and cons of owning a credit card? Do I need one? -What details should I look for in a rental agreement? -What are the types of bank accounts I can have? What are the differences between them? -What is the process I use to apply for a student loan? What are my obligations once I have this loan? -What is the stock market?… Read more »

fiscally fit
11 years ago

Interesting podcast. As someone who got his Journeyman ticket (with a red and blue seal) while getting my bachelor’s degree and then CFP; I found this Podcast very interesting. It seems to me that the issue is that not only do they not teach applied personal finance in the classroom, the people that do teach it typically do not give accurate or unbiased advice. People need to understand that the concepts but also the consequences of choices. You can go get a history degree, thats is great, but there are consequences for that. And that may be that there is… Read more »

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