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MMFBT 020 – What To Consider If You’ve Considering University

We’re very pleased to welcome back to the podcast Dr. Ken Coates from the University of Saskatchewan.  This is our first time inviting a guest to join us for a second time and the reasoning behind the bro-mance is because I think so highly of the material that Dr. Coates and his partner in crime Bill Morrison are putting out there.  They are two of the only authors out there today (besides yours truly of course) that are writing for an exclusively Canadian audience, and that have a realistic outlook on the Canadian post-secondary scene.  It’s refreshing to talk to someone who argues with actual facts and realism, instead of the usual spin-doctoring and insane theory that we are used to getting from most people that exist in the ivory tower of universities.

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Dr. Coates and Dr. Morrison recently released the aptly-named book, “What to Consider when Considering University,” that all Canadian kids and their parents should be pick up as a companion to More Money for Beer and Textbooks – A Financial Guide for Today’s Canadian Student.  It’s a very accessible book that gives the straight goods on what to expect the world of post-secondary education to look like in Canada today.  Don’t be intimidated by the academic qualifications for the authors (as impressive as they are), this book is articulately written, but the authors certainly don’t go out of their way to prove how smart they are with ten-dollar words and 33 footnotes per page.

Tune in and listen to Dr. Coates – or Ken as he prefers – talk about:

  • The misconceptions and misinformation out there about university and college in Canada today.
  • Why the “Million Dollar Promise” of a university education is ridiculous.
  • Who should go to university in a perfect world.
  • How should you know if you’re going to be successful in university or if you will make a good university student?
  • Some personal anecdotes about the college vs university vs polytechnique conundrum.
  • Why polytechniques are a great deal for the students that fit the right profile (seriously, listen to this part).
  • We wrap up with some ideas on where to go from here in terms of getting a reality-based message out there and we share some thoughts on the current legislation passed by the government of Newfoundland and Labrador that will see the province replace the student loans program with a student grant program.

As always please fire away with any questions, comments, or ratings.  We respond to all of our emails and comments on the site and love hearing what you guys want to listen to on the podcast and the information you want to get at.

More Beers More Cheers That’s It That’s All


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