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Million Dollar Journey (Est 2006)

Five Thrifty Tips for College & University Students

Want to know a few quick ways to keep your hard-earned cash in your pockets this semester check out my top five list over at CBC.  If you’re wondering why I’m suddenly publishing my slightly-above-average rants over there these days, the adult table of journalism has decided to show some love for our book  More Money for Beer and Textbooks – A Financial Guide for Today’s Canadian Student.

When I tried to impress my student by pointing out some meagre media attention I’d been getting they were really impressed even commenting, “That’s kind of cool Mr. Prevost, it almost makes me want to read that book you forced highly recommended I buy.”

If you happen to be in Manitoba this weekend make sure and stop by and see Justin and I at the massive Chapters bookstore located in St. Vital Shopping Centre.  We will be there from 2PM until 5PM on Saturday, June 8th.  We will either be the two handsome guys surrounded by (mostly female) adoring fans who are clamoring for attentionsand signatures , or the two kind of awkward guys dejectedly trying to get people’s attention as they pass by (sort of like carneys at your local fair’s game row).  Either way, we’d sincerely appreciate any support and will be able to answer specific questions you might have about your situation.

We will also be sitting at a table trying not to look dumb signing books on June 15th at McNally Robinson (11AM-1PM) and Chapters – Polo Park (2PM-4PM).

Finally, keep your eyes and ears open for the new project we’ve been working on here at My University Money.  I don’t want to give away the big surprise or anything, but now that we’ve taken the text-based world by storm we’re coming after you iTunes…

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11 years ago

Congrats on the success of the book and the attention you have been getting. I am sure this site and the book are nice compliments to one another – the more you promote the book the more traffic you get and vice versa!

I love the brew your own beer advice! Perfect advice for any college student. I wish I had started years ago.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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