As if there weren’t already plenty of reasons why you should keep student loan debt to a minimum, there’s yet one more. One day you may want to buy a home and you’ll need to take a mortgage in order to do it. A student loan could cause complications! This is...
By the time you graduate from university, you’ll be biting at the bit to get started on your life in the post-university world. That will include having your own place to live – perhaps even in a distant city – and having all the trappings that go along with being an...
Right now, there are millions of university graduates struggling with how they are going to payoff their student loan debts. If you are currently a student, and already losing sleep over how much you will owe upon graduation, it’s probably a sign that you need to be...
Nearly every student who is using student loans to finance his or her education has at least some concern with their ability to repay the debt. As higher education costs rise, forcing the use of ever higher loan amounts to pay for them, the burden placed on students...
If you’ve attended post-secondary schooling you’ve inevitably bumped into someone who had no idea that they had to pay back student loans once their schooling was finished. I’m actually continually shocked at how many people look at me kind of awkwardly when I say...
Since student loans are considered to be a necessary way to attend university for so many students and their families, there’s often a sense of resignation when it comes to how much will need to be borrowed. With higher education being so expensive, what choice do you...
The following is a guest post from Bryan Maltier, a personal finance blogger and entrepreneur who focuses on saving, investing, credit/debt, real estate, career/education advice, and insurance at Coming from a family where my father is an electrical...
Recently our home province of Manitoba dropped the rate of interest the charge on student loans to “prime”. This was sort of dismissed by a lot of students we talked to as irrelevant, but the truth is that it is a major favour for us young bloods (sorry, I’ve been...