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Blast From The Past – Careers

I thought I would take the initiative to dig around the archives and bring forth some of our (when I say our I mean Teacher Man’s) best articles to the forefront of our site.  Today we’ll take a career theme since many students have just finished exams and may or may not have a summer job.

First off, congrats for finishing! Anyone working in an university environment will know that it is a stressful time of the year!

But it’s time to get a job if you don’t already have one. We’ll start off with a great article from Teacher Man;

Finding A Job After School In A Terrible Market

Teacher Man talks about “how kids these days” are pretty spoiled and they think their employers should cater to their every need.  We were both brought up in a blue collar fashion and if we didn’t like our work-place, we were to shut our mouths and keep working.  At least that’s how it was back on the farm.  Basically, be happy you got the job in the first place. Work hard and impress someone to earn those “work benefits”.

Next up, my brother took his “vast” experience at trying to find a job as an engineer (ha ha) and wrote a very thorough article on how to actually find a job. He goes over the old school methods, as well as the newer ones. A great article to look through, even if you are currently employed. Who knows, maybe another career will catch your eye.

Finding A Job

Moving back a few years Teacher Man talks about his summer experience working as a customs guy at the border.  Guys like him are the reason why it takes you hours to get across the 50 foot zone of hell between the two largest freest countries in the world!  I never thought that all of his stories of him being a badass all summer would be the actual reason he got his teaching job today.

How A Great Summer Job Can Benefit You

For our last article on this little round up I couldn’t really find another good article to compliment this collection, so I grabbed one from our buddy over at Boomer And Echo.

Getting Out Of The Pile

This is an article that describes how to stand out once you get hired on at a company. Companies have standard employee performance management systems that are often flawed. Echo shows us by using himself as an example how one can get out ahead of the pack and get where you want to be in a career.

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12 years ago

Thanks for the mention, JB!

I like this format – it is just what recent graduates need – help finding a job!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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