As a recent graduate from university I discovered very quickly that I did a poor job at managing my finances as a student. This has become a near “universal” truth for university students. I entered the workforce with a large amount of student loans, a low...
Payday loans can be a rough ride there is no doubt about that. If you’re in a position to have to take out one of these high-interest tools, then clearly you’ve missed a few basic personal finance steps along the way. Does that mean that you should be...
If you are currently out of employment you will know that trying to get a job is pretty hard work. Every position seems to have tens if not hundreds of other people applying for it too, meaning that you probably have to get through two or three interviews in order to...
The following is a guest post from Bryan Maltier, a personal finance blogger and entrepreneur who focuses on saving, investing, credit/debt, real estate, career/education advice, and insurance at Coming from a family where my father is an electrical...
Are you someone who loves to travel? Nothing compares to the feeling of being young and able to travel to any number of exotic destinations. Most of us try to save as much money as we can for a vacation, but college students in particular keep a close eye on...