Online courses are becoming more common each year. They can be an excellent way to save time on attending in person classes, or provide an opportunity to pick up some extra credits. You may have taken one or two yourself, and the results vary with each student. For...
In Staying Healthy at University we talked about ways to avoid getting sick while you’re away at school, especially during the winter months. But what if it’s too late for that – you’re already sick with a cold or even the flu? There are several steps you can...
We’re only in the middle of the school year, why would you need to start your job search now? Whether you are looking for a summer job, or a permanent position upon graduation, the competition for jobs is greater than ever. This is even more true at the university...
Welcome back to the More Money for Beer and Textbooks podcast! Before we start today I thought I’d quickly explain how the easiest way to get our podcast every couple of weeks. While you’re more than welcome to keep coming here to the site and hitting...
Group projects in university can either be a major hassle – or the answer to a prayer. Which one it is depends on the type of role you normally take when you are involved in group projects. There are three group project personality types: The Leader. This is the go-to...