With all that you will learn in university, one thing you won’t learn much about is personal finances. And when you graduate, and enter the adult world for keeps, you’ll probably be exposed to many financial concepts that will be completely alien to you. The...
Right now, there are millions of university graduates struggling with how they are going to payoff their student loan debts. If you are currently a student, and already losing sleep over how much you will owe upon graduation, it’s probably a sign that you need to be...
Imagine that you are a couple of years out of university. Looking back, what do you think you would have done differently? Actually, that’s not an arbitrary question. I’m posing it because it’s very likely that you will have certain regrets after graduation. The...
Does this whole investing thing still make you queasy? Today on the More Money for Beer an Textbooks Podcast we hear from one of Canada’s most popular DIY investors on what he wishes he might have done differently when he was starting out. Mark Seed is the brains...
As a university student, it’s pretty common to run your life with very little sleep. For some students, functioning with little sleep is their version of “normal”. There’s little doubt that some people can get by with less sleep than others. But every one of us will...