When beginning university dorm life, students are concerned with what they need to bring. But it can be just as important to know what not to bring! In a dorm room you will only have limited space, and you’ll be sharing that space with other students at that. In...
In today’s market it can be quite challenging to get a mortgage, even if you have already obtained one. With capital requirements on banks making them more and more cautious about lending their money you need to make sure that you prepare as much as you can...
If your business has been stuck in a bit of a rut lately, whether it be in making profit or just simply not living up to what you thought it would be, it may be time to revamp your image and give yourself a makeover. While this can be confusing to some long-time...
School is about to start once again, and you could probably use a checklist of items that you need to bring to university. If you are an incoming freshman, you’ll probably find this list especially helpful. If you are a returning student, it may serve mainly as a...
If you’ve attended post-secondary schooling you’ve inevitably bumped into someone who had no idea that they had to pay back student loans once their schooling was finished. I’m actually continually shocked at how many people look at me kind of awkwardly when I say...