When it comes to student finances, reining in spending deservedly gets the majority of the attention in relation to saving. If a student gets out of school “at zero” or debt-free these days that is usually considered a major victory; therefore the whole idea of...
Every student knows that they probably shouldn’t be buying food on campus, but it’s so easy, so greasy, so good and easy… The truth is that campus eating options are a laziness trap that ensnare far too many of us every day. Let’s be honest, who is more susceptible...
Graduation will be here before you know it and you’ll start your job hunt. Whether you’re a senior, junior, sophomore or even a freshman, now is time to begin preparing for that day. Don’t put it off until your final semester, or even until your senior year. Now is...
One of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to student unions is their ability to take advantage of young adults that really have no idea about all of the costs that are tacked on to their tuition without them knowing it. The two main automatic adjustments that I took...
Having or working toward a degree that doesn’t match what you really want to do can put you between a rock and a hard place. Do you abandon your education in favor of what it is your really want to do, and waste thousands of hours of study and tens of thousands of...