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Million Dollar Journey (Est 2006)

New Year’s Goals Revisited

1) Save 35% of my net income I will make roughly 55K in gross income this year. By the time my taxes, pension, union dues, medical, life insurance, and the 1001 other deductions are taken off, I will take home about $2,700 per month. After I take out my mortgage...

Auditing A Class

There’s a few things I would do differently if I was to redo my university experience. One of those things would be to audit a few classes. Audit is kind of a vague term, but it basically means dropping in on a class that you aren’t “taking” or getting credit for....

Why You Should Take Out Student Loans

If you’re parents are like mine (pretty solidly middle-class) they raised you to have an aversion to debt. Don’t go into debt unless you absolutely have to was one of the only pieces of financial advice that was ever given to me. Now you can learn much worse...