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Simplifying the Tax Code

With the recent debt crisis in the USA there have been renewed calls for “Simplifying the tax code,” and, “Cutting out private jet clauses.”  I think a very similar case could be made for Canada.  Has anyone looked at their respective tax codes lately?  Those of you...

E-Book Review – “The Rat Race”

My good friend Mike over at The Financial Blogger (TFB) has recently released his second e-book, and both of them are definitely worth the price of admission.  I’m sure you have seen lots of blogs and sites that tout a new promotion as “the next big thing” because...

Tips For Note Taking

If you go to class you’ll notice that there are many types of students, but around 80% of them will be taking notes.  Not everyone takes good notes and some people don’t even know how to take notes at all.  Everyone remembers things differently, but by...