Much like my “Coffee-a-Day” article, no personal finance site would be complete without an article done on debt consolidation. The truth is that this relatively simple set of principles can save you a lot of money, especially when you are young and taking on a...
When you graduate from university most people either jump right into the workforce, or travel for a while. Many wonder if they should take a gap year after university, but eventually you’ll start your career and then it’s the same thing day-in and day-out...
If you only read one personal finance book in your lifetime, make it “The Wealthy Barber” by David Chilton. I read his book a couple of years ago and it truly opened my eyes to the world of personal finance and the power it can wield. Chilton is soon releasing his...
I know for a fact that my summer job helped me land a permanent position upon graduation (I was told so at the end of the interview). It also helped me get through school without any debt, which as any recent graduate can tell you is a pretty cool accomplishment. ...
I was pretty sick of writing about serious stuff like investing for retirement, so I decided to talk about the favourite topic for a lot of University students: Alcohol! Specifically, how much is considered appropriate for a post-secondary student or really any young...