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MMFBT 025 – Jeannine Mitchell on the Twilight Zone that is Canada’s Student Loan Programs

Today on the more money for beer and textbooks podcast we’re bringing in special guest Jeaninne Mitchell to look at the ins and outs of student loans in Canada.  Jeannine runs the website and has written an eBook that you can find on Amazon, titled Ka-Ching – How your family can cut thousands off of your student debt without paying a cent.

Jeannine has been writing personal finances since I was learning my alphabet and brings a lot of experience and policy knowledge to a discussion about student loans.  I don’t hesitate to say that I’m pretty sure Mrs. Mitchell knows more about the world of Canada student loans than the combined bureaucracy that actually runs the programs.

Tune in to learn more about:

  • The More Money for Beer and Textbooks Podcast
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    What do Canada student loans like and are they a good idea?
  • What is the difference between a provincial student loan and a federal student loan (aka Canada Student Loan)?
  • Which provinces are currently the most “student-friendly” when it comes to student loans, student rebates, and tuition rates?  *The answer might surprise you.*
  • What is the Repayment Assistance Program (RAP) and do you qualify for it?
  • Where are student loans headed in this country?
  • Why in the world is the student loan process so complicated?

Head over to debt101 where there is a one-of-a-kind collection of raw data in regards to Canada Student Loans, provincial student loan programs, and things such as the Repayment Assistance Plan (RAP) program.

Also, keep an eye out for Jeannine’s upcoming new book that seeks to help middle-class Canadians navigate a financial aid system that doesn’t provide them with much support at first glance.

As always, any feedback you’d like to provide via our comments section or in the form of iTunes ratings is much appreciated.  If you’d like to come on the podcast don’t hesitate to contact us and we’ll get a session set up.

More Beers, More Cheers, That’s It That’s All!

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