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MMFBT 021- Take It To the Bank

“Don’t call it a comeback – we never left!”

Yah… So about that whole “short break” thing…

Justin and I apologize for our tardiness.  We know that it has been awhile since we tossed out a new one of these things.  The good news is that now have a bunch of interviews in the hopper and are ready to go.  We’d blame our fiancee’s but that wouldn’t end well, so awkwardly moving on…

It’s toughing knowing what questions people want answers or what issues we should specifically be looking at so please let us know!  If you have any questions you want us to look up and chat about just throw them in the comments, send us an email using our contact page, or send us an email.  If you think you want to come on the show, chances are we’d love to have you, so don’t be a stranger.  All it takes is a phone line or a Skype connection!

Today we tackle the world of banking.  There is something that gets me increasingly agitated the more I think about it when I look at the business model of banks today.  Well, not too agitated because I simply invest in the banks and get my money back on the back end, but it is still pretty illogical to me.

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The idea that banks take our money and provide a service by merely storing it for us is a little ridiculous.  I mean, they take that money and make a lot of money investing it and lending it to other people.  Then they want to charge us pesky fees on top of that?!  If you don’t think there is something fundamentally wrong with that picture then congratulations, you are pretty much the average Canadian (someone way too busy to think about this stuff).

Anyway, we’ll give you some tips to help you beat those nickel-and-dime fees. (Obviously it has been a while since that idiom was created, they’re a lot more than a nickel or dime these days!)

Tune In To Hear Justin And I Talk About:

  • What a decent student bank account deal should look like.
  • How everything is negotiable.
  • Debate the merits of online banking versus traditional “bricks-and-mortar” banks.
  • What you should look for as you graduate and banks begin to start to charge you for your everyday banking needs.
  • Justin reveals the online bank he has recently switched over to and why he loves it.
  • No more waiting in line to deposit cheques at the bank.

We’re always thankful for anyone that takes the time to pop on over to iTunes to leave a star rating for us, as well as give us a little feedback via the comments section.  Let us know how we’re doing!

See you next week folks.  More Cheers, More Beers, That’s It, That’s All!

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Louisa Julius
10 years ago

As a university student, I’ve always been careful about banking fees, and avoided them at all cost. I currently bank with TD Canada Trust, but not in their Student Account which is an absolute joke. You’re limited to 20 transactions a month, and that includes deposits – not to mention, the additional fees for cheques, etc. At the end of first year, under my dad’s suggestion, I upgraded to their all-inclusive account which had the condition that I maintain 5000$ consistently. To be honest, it was the best banking decision ever. Not only have I had to become more conscientious… Read more »

Louisa Julius
10 years ago
Reply to  Kyle

At the moment, I think I would be required to pay close to $99 in annual fees if I dip below the $5000 threshold. However I actually haven’t looked into Tangerine, but I am planning to explore other banks soon. Especially since I am looking to opening a student line of credit in the near future. A podcast about student lines of credit would be super helpful; with recommendations on what to be prepared for, especially if parents aren’t so willing to cosign (cause mine aren’t!). Thanks for doing such a great job with the podcasts! They’ve been super helpful,… Read more »

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