Getting a part-time job right on campus that will completely pay for your residence room and board? That’s pretty much the deal if you want to sign up to become a Residence Advisor (RA) and in some cases on the governing council at residences on campuses across...
When beginning university dorm life, students are concerned with what they need to bring. But it can be just as important to know what not to bring! In a dorm room you will only have limited space, and you’ll be sharing that space with other students at that. In...
School is about to start once again, and you could probably use a checklist of items that you need to bring to university. If you are an incoming freshman, you’ll probably find this list especially helpful. If you are a returning student, it may serve mainly as a...
Property can be defined as any physical or intangible entity that is owned by an individual or jointly by a group of people or a legal entity. Depending on the nature of the property, the owner of property has the right to consume; rent; sell; transfer; mortgage; ...
We’ve talked before about how to pitch your parents on buying a house for you while you go to school. Today I figured I’d think about taking it to the next level. I should admit right up front that I have no personal experience with this sort of thing, but since...
If you’re a student preparing to live away at school for the first time, or you’re entering the job market and looking to get your first apartment, you may find that there are hidden costs of living away from home for the first time. You probably are already aware of...
Owning a home has become one of the rites of adult passage in modern life. It‘s right up there with graduating from university, getting married, landing your first job and having children. But while the proper time to own your own home will come, there are times when...
Have you noticed that since you began university life, you don’t have quite as much energy as you’d like? Or perhaps, you’ve noticed that you’ve gained a few pounds since you started? You might be attributing that to the more hectic pace of life that you’re now...