In Kyle’s recent podcast discussion with Rob Carrick they talked about how the weird forced ignorance of past generations when it comes to truly understanding how much a post-secondary education costs today. Whenever I bring up these increased costs in a social...
With eReaders becoming all the rage these days, tech companies are responding to the demand by putting better and better products on the market. This is great for us as consumers who get to benefit from this competition by getting more value for our technology...
Want to know a few quick ways to keep your hard-earned cash in your pockets this semester check out my top five list over at CBC. If you’re wondering why I’m suddenly publishing my slightly-above-average rants over there these days, the adult table of...
You can trade in your old car in order to get rid of it and get money on it for the down payment on your next car. That’s not the most profitable way to dispose of your car. If you want to get the largest amount of money from it, you should try to sell your car...
Are you starting to shop around for insurance policies? Maybe you’re newly married and are starting to think about starting a family. Suddenly, your list of responsibilities are growing and more and more people are depending on your income. If something should happen...
I often find the question of how much to give to charity a tough one to answer. After all, as a personal finance geek it can be tough to break out of the mindset of saving everywhere one can in order to prepare for the future. Realistically though, as much as we...
In my opinion, about 90% of what you need to know in life you can learn by watching Forrest Gump. One great money-related insight is revealed when he tells his fellow park bench-sitter: “Though he [Lieutenant Dan] did take care of my Bubba-Gump money. He got me...
I’m not advocating buying a new car when you graduate (especially if you have student loans to pay off, or you’re having a rough time catching on in today’s job market), but if you do want to give yourself a graduation treat you should be aware that most of the major...