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Ampli Review – Best Cash Back App?

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Canadian shoppers are now able to make money while spending money, thanks to the Ampli app. Ampli is one of the newest cashback apps. It rewards customers with actual cash from items purchased on a daily basis from participating brands.  It is free, simple to use, safe and cash can be earned from purchases made both online and in-store.

How Easy is it to use Ampli?

In order to start earning, Canadians are first required to download the app which can be done free of charge from the Google Play or App Store. This makes it accessible to both Apple and Android users. Once this is done, provide your name and email address, confirm that email address and just like that your account is activated. Canadian debit and credit cards can then be linked to the program via the app. As soon as linking is completed, the linked card can now be used to make purchases from the partner brands and customers will begin earning.

Ways to Earn with Ampli

Members earn cashback by shopping from companies that have partnered with Ampli such as Best Buy, Sephora, Adidas, Hudson’s Bay, Petro-Canada, Indigo, Pet Value, Fairmont, Hello Fresh and Michaels to name a few. Members are normally sent offers that would detail the offer from the retailer, which may be a percentage of cash spent or a set cash value. The conditions associated with earning the cash would also be mentioned. In addition, there are Dreamstake challenges that members can participate in each month for an opportunity to win cash prizes. Completing the challenges in-app earns members a free entry and members can enter as many times as they like. There’s also the opportunity to earn five dollars ($5) just by inviting a friend to join Ampli.

Monitoring and Using Earnings

The cash earned from using the app can be viewed via the Ampli balance which is normally updated approximately five (5) business days from the day of the purchase. Customers can then easily transfer the cash earned to their bank account as soon as their Ampli balance gets to fifteen dollars ($15). This is done via Interac e-Transfer and it is completely free. The cash being transferred is normally deposited in one’s bank account within 3-5 business days.

Advantages of Ampli

There are a lot of advantages to be gained from downloading and using Ampli.  Firstly it is free, there are no monthly fees and no hidden cost associated with the program. Unlike some other cashback programs which may just be available for online purchases, with Ampli, both your online and in-store purchases earn you money. The app does the work for you; all you need to do is make your purchases at the various retailers using the card that has been linked to the program. The app then searches and matches your purchases with deals available; earning you cashback with no additional work to you. As a result, there’s no need to scan barcodes, upload receipts or activate rewards in order to earn cash.

The rewards earned are reflected in cash and not points, so there’s no trying to figure out how many points you need to earn a targeted amount of cash, it’s all there reflected clearly in your balance. Because this app is designed specifically for Canadians, it also uses Canadian dollars, so no need to remember and use conversion rates. The cash earned is delivered right in your account via e-transfer so waiting on a cheque which would then have to be deposited or changed is no longer necessary. Instead, your cash is right there in your account when you need it.

There’s also no need to worry if your credit card is already offering your cashback deals as Ampli allows you to earn cashback on purchases that may already be connected to other loyalty programs. The company is backed by the Royal Bank of Canada, but you don’t need to be a member of this bank to earn. However, if you are, you could earn more cash in some cases. How sweet is that!

Disadvantages associated with Ampli

Even though there are numerous advantages to the program there are also a few downfalls. For one, in order to earn, members must shop at the partnered brands. While there are quite a few it is still limited. The program is however new and so this number can be expected to grow with time. Members may also find that from time to time their linked cards may become unlinked and they will need to return to the app to have them relinked. However, not to worry cash rewards available from purchases made during the time period for which the card may have been unlinked can be retroactively added to a member’s Ampli account.  Whilst the constant unlinking and relinking may seem like a nuisance, it’s a security feature that has been put in place by various banks to keep banking information safe and secure.

Is Ampli Legit

If you are looking to earn a little extra cash or want to maximize your funds to the greatest degree you should definitely consider Ampli, it’s free, safe and real. You can also rest assured that the information regarding your linked accounts will remain safe as Ampli is backed by the reputable Royal Bank of Canada and therefore uses top-notch linking technology to safely protect your information from exposure. Login and personal information are encrypted and transactional data is anonymous. This is maintained by analyzing your transaction after your identity has been removed from the various transactions. Many persons have used the program and are earning cash by doing nothing extra apart from making purchases that they would have made even without the app. It’s a program that can be trusted with a cable, willing and available support team to assist with any glitches that may arise. There are a number of members who have testified of receiving their earnings as the program does exactly what it promises to do.

If you are therefore living in Canada, this program is definitely worth checking out. When you think about it, just about everyone could do with a few extra bucks and so could you once you start linking your debit and credit cards and letting Ampli help you amp up your earnings.

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Hope Gabriel
2 years ago

I had seamless experience earning cash back through Ampli. It’s one of the best cashback apps in Canada. Thanks for this review.

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