One major hidden expense of going to university is paying for textbooks. Most people don’t realize that a full course load worth of brand new textbooks from the campus bookstore can easily run over a thousand dollars! The good news is that there are a lot of ways to...
Today on the more money for beer and textbooks podcast we’re bringing in special guest Jeaninne Mitchell to look at the ins and outs of student loans in Canada. Jeannine runs the website and has written an eBook that you can find on Amazon, titled Ka-Ching...
As every college student soon becomes aware, the early days of every quarter or semester is filled with hope and excitement… and multiple credit card offers. In fact, no matter where you are, you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting a credit card offer. The thing...
Every personal finance blogger at one point or another has to write an article about how, “The money you spend on coffee every morning could make you rich,” or, “brown-bagging your lunch every single day will save you so much money.” The truth is that these articles...
College is a wondrous part of our lives, a time where memories are made and friendships are formed. It’s also a lesson in how to consistently make meals out of the microwave. All connections and experiences aside, college serves as a way to gain meaningful employment,...