I’m going shopping in the States next weekend (or to be more precise, I will stroll around aimlessly while my girlfriend goes shopping in the States next weekend) and I can’t wait to take advantage of this crazy high Canadian dollar (vicariously). If you don’t live...
The Globe and Mail reported today that Ontario has decided to take “major steps” forward in addressing the lack of financial literacy that is taking place in our public school system. I have written about this topic before, and it continues to astound me that we are...
With summer upon as and gas prices reaching their usual summer heights, I find it interesting to hear people talk about how gas is at all time highs. If measured in absolute dollars then people are obviously right. The problem with that measurement is that by that...
When you are moving into university there are a few options you can take: Move into a single apartment Moving in with friends Moving in with nearby family Moving into residence If you live close enough, just stay at home. Each one has its pros and cons and I will go...
When I started giving myself my crash course on personal finance a few years ago, I became pretty familiar with this weird little three petal flower-badge thing that kept popping up on the majority of sites I enjoyed. Every site that had this graphic on their sidebar...